5 of the Best Lower Chest Exercises to Do at Home

5. Dumbbell decline bench press

The dumbbell decline bench press is a variation of the dumbbell bench press and of the barbell decline bench press. The use of dumbbells allows for a greater range of motion and is highly beneficial for targeting the lower chest muscles.

What muscles does the dumbbell decline bench press work?

Primary muscles worked by the dumbbell decline bench press:

This variation of the bench press to primarily works the lower areas of the pectoralis major.

Secondary muscles worked by the dumbbell decline bench press:

Although the anterior deltoid and the triceps are the least active in the decline variation of the bench press, they are still slightly active.

Benefits of the dumbbell decline bench press

1. The dumbbell decline bench press helps build the size of the lower chest

This bench press variation targets the lower pectoralis muscle fibers more than the other bench press variations.

2. The dumbbell decline bench press helps stimulate growth of new muscles of the chest

This variation of the bench press in combination with other bench press variations and dips will help with the stimulation of new muscle growth.

Instructions for the dumbbell decline bench press

1. Sitting on the foot bar edge of the bench, lift the dumbbells up to the shoulders with palms facing up. Lift each dumbbell up from the floor one at a time to prevent strain on the lower back. With one foot hooked under the bench bar and the other foot resting on the bench with the leg bent, lower yourself onto the bench until you are laying back. Secure both feet under the foot bar to prevent sliding off and the dumbbells slightly on the outside of the torso at chest level with palms facing forward; this will be the starting point of the exercise.

2. Squeezing the shoulder blades together, drive the dumbbells up over the chest while keeping the elbows at 45 degrees. The dumbbells will be above the sternum instead of over your shoulders at the top.

3. Lower the weights until you return to the starting position while keeping the elbows at 45 degrees throughout the movement. Repeat for the desired amount of repetitions.

This exercise should be done with 2 to 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions, meaning that the above steps need to be repeated for 8 to 12 times with 1 -2  minute break before repeating the set another 2 or 3 times.

Dumbbell Decline Bench Press