5 Proven Health Benefits of Cinnamon

3. Cinnamon may help to protect against cancer

Although the scientific evidence suggests that cinnamon extracts may help protect against cancer, research is limited to test-tube and animal studies.

The research has revealed that the compound cinnamaldehyde, which is found in cinnamon, can inhibit tumor growth by reducing cancer cell growth and blood vessel formation in tumors. It also protects against DNA damage and is toxic to cancer cells, causing cell death. 1✅ JOURNAL REFERENCE
PMID: 10232076
PMID: 16253769
PMID: 9848396

There is some preliminary evidence that cinnamaldehyde can reduce colon cancer risk by improving the health of the colon. Cinnamaldehyde was found to have helped the cells of mice protect themselves against carcinogen exposure through detoxification.4✅ JOURNAL REFERENCE
DOI: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-14-0359
The cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon activates enzymes in the colon that help detoxify and protect against the growth of cancer cells.5✅ JOURNAL REFERENCE
PMID: 18260732

How To Use Cinnamon Sticks Infographic

Image Source – frontiercoop